Tuesday, December 16, 2008


so i am still in goa. i got sick about a week ago with something that felt suspiciously similar to an illness i had in thailand almost exactly two years ago--and because i think i am tough and don't ever want to go on antibiotics, i wound up with a serious bacterial infection that spanned three weeks swallowing christmas and the new year.
this time it started as mild nausea, then proceeded to full-fledged nausea, i tried to take a tums, and vomited that up. every time i tried to eat food my stomach would clench in protest. if i did manage to choke a few bites of something friendly down, like say bananna, (mind you i've had no appetite), as soon as i stood up after the meal i would immediately feel faint and pukey. it got to the point where all i could do was drink cups of ginger tea, force-feed myself yogurt and sip daintily the broth from carrot ginger soup. now i know how anorexics feel! after about 2 days of this LA lifestyle i realized it was time to get on antibiotics. everyone kept on asking me if i was having "loose motions", which is the indian term for diarrhea. i tried to explain that i hadn't been having any motions really, which meant whatever i had couldn't have been dysentery, but then i wasn't eating either. then i started getting fevers, and of course i have been feeling weak from the weight-loss. so i am on my 3rd day of ciprofloxacin and paracetamol and i am starting to re-gain my appetite. this morning i had a fruit salad with yogurt and watermelon-mint juice, a veritable feast considering. tonight i've got plans to (try to)have italian food with some friends.
and so, i may be staying here for the holidays... i know it's not "real" india, but it's just so damn comfortable and vacation-ey. my illness gives me a nice excuse to not move anywhere for a while. it's great, a whole day can slip by and i'll have done nothing! what a huge luxury considering how crazy my summer can be. all in all i don't feel too bad

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