what you would call a brodeo--this seriously happened in a matter of seconds while we were standing outside an internet cafe

yeah, they're all trying to get a photo of some white girls.

this was the crowd on the way to the second stage

there was some singing and sitar playing at the second stage... you'll have to trust me on this one

camping by the second stage

this was where kristen got shoved. hard. by an old lady in the crowd.

this was about as close as we got to the main stage--it got real grabby, we were linking arms for protection and solidarity, but there were too many teenage boys and middle-aged men with creepy wandering hands, and eventually we had to head back, but not before i threatened to cut a guy, (who probably didn't understand any english other than "hi!", "camera?", "backside", and the requisite "coming from?").

an effigy gets wheeled by on a wagon

it was almost worth all the terrifying harassment just to get this picture of a stone cold....tiara wearing dude? .....almost.

it seems so much less scary during the daytime.....
today most of the crowds have returned to the surrounding villages, and it's a relief to be able to walk around without being accosted by horny dudes. the town itself is quite peaceful and quiet. tomorrow we are going to a sunrise tour of the ruins.
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